Monday 1 August 2011

Where Did the Google AdSense Ads Go?? Along with My Money... What I Also Need to Know is Why and How Ads Do This

The big question that a lot of peope ask beyond just this online money making business is why they aren't getting Google Ads where they think they should be.  In fact some will say they want the Google Ad just abouve the title or just below it or to the side of the start of their hub.  For them, they just can't seem to understand where the Google AdSense ads went.
This is a business to make money and often people who make money maximize where they put the capsules they put into their hubs.  It is a business and a bit of previewing where your work is going will help you a lot in terms of making money, but also getting ads placed better.
Your Title: Look at that good old title, does it tell you what people need to know? Is it about making money? Is it something that is a review? What sort of theme is your hub going to be about?
Now hubpages, using yeildbuild places the Google Ads for you, but you can create on placement for an ad by doing one simple thing. 
A title, to me, should be about 4-10 words, not much less or much more. Why? say you will write some thing that says "Make Money with Google" well, great. Except that would be a BIG hub, and frankly, no one would read it all the way through. The title is too general.
How about "Linking Helps Make Money with Google" See, more specific, and some thing more people will be interested in. There are a few good keywords in it, and it isn't too flashy or hard to understand.
Put some text right above a photo and right directly below your title: This is an easy one to miss.  A lot of people do.  Which is why you need the preview tool.  Keywords are a must but so is word count.
The title really affect the Google Ads just below the tile... but there is another place where people tend to forget about the content...
See if you are to use this method you need to preview what you have done, and often, as otherwise you might lose the value in the Google Ad.  I put a full text piece as the top capsule, with no photo or anything on the side. 
At about 150-200 words I find that I large rectangular Google Ad comes up.  I use the preview tool to maximize how it look to the reader.  Now, this works best when you are just beginning to write your hub.  Write a good introduction in a couple of paragrahs and you've maximized your Google AdSense ads right away.
The Last Word-- In Google Ads, every word counts and so does learning about Google and AdSense.  In fact, buying a book about Google will save you time and effort that you would other wise spend on trying to build your business.
All it takes is a few simple changes to your hubs, and a good use of both keywords and the preview tool to maximize your hubs potential to others and to make you money.  The first step is to really look at your hubs and begin to fix one each day and then build your links to that hub.  by fixing your hub and maximizing your Google Ad placement, you will make money in the end.
To your success.
Look at those keywords and Look what you are trying to promote:  In other words this is where you need to decide if you are promoting you or your business.  See, most who want to make money fast will look at the highest paying keywords that they can find, and slap together a hub.
Then they usually put this hub on a lot of social networking sites, which are now getting harder to put things up in terms of spam.  So you'd better start helping others if you want to have your work noticed on these sites.  Again while Google like links, there is a way that Google what is good or not.
So, when you write your intro, it is best to have at least one or two words that are from your title inside your first 300 words or so.  Not too often, but enough that it makes it interesting.  Remember no large lump of text either.
When you promote, ask yourself, are you helping yourself or your business? So if you are commenting and doing what seems to be "helpful" look at your scores and figure out if it is helpful or not.  Do not do anything for self-promotion people are smart, they will figure it all out, same with keywords.  Be yourself and be natural.
It's a photo but what about amazon and eBay?: Usually if you put an amazon or eBay capsule up too high the same effect happens. If you Google Ads are set to high, then often there is an ad that can be found somewhere with in your hub.
Put amazon or eBay too high and that ad placement drops to a lower spot... and if you want to improve your business and make money, and get your financial goals, and amazon and eBay aren't a big part of that....
Well, youv'e lost your chance to make money for yourself. This is the same idea as adding links, people "see" but they do not.
So the best thing to do is to really look at your keywords and how the content flows.  There is such a thing as overly promotional.  There is also such a thing as keyword stuffing.  Neither one is good for your business.

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