Thursday, 4 August 2011

Make Money With Adsense

Make Money with Adsense: What Adsense is and how to make money with Adsense

Adsense is a program set up by Google, those kings of the search engine industry, that allows you to place blocks of text-based advertisement onto your webpages in order to make money.
Adsense is what is known as a pay-per-click advertising program (PPC program), because you get paid every time a visitor to your site clicks on one of your Adsense ads.
Sound easy? Well, maybe...
First of all, of course, comes the question as to how much money is actually paid to you when a website visitor clicks on the Adsense ad. Tomake money with Adsense, in other words, two factors come into play:
1) Are people coming to your site and clicking on your Adsense ads?
2) How much money is paid to you per click on your Adsense ads?
Point 1 is actually two points:
a) How many people come to your site so as to be able even to see your Adsense ads?
b) How many of your website visitors click on your Adsense ads?
The answer to Point 1 is a longer and more complicated issue perhaps than the answer to Point 2, but both will be covered briefly below.

MAKE MONEY WITH ADSENSE - POINT 1: How many people will click on your Adsense ads?

As stated above, this depends on two factors: how much traffic you have, and how many of these website visitors click on your Adsense ads.
Traffic is an important issue, and covers itself many topics, but in short, the following strategies are necessary if you want to get a lot of traffic to your site:
1) focus on scoring high on Google, Yahoo, MSN and other search engines
2) submit articles to free article-submitting sites with a link to your site at the bottom
3) take advantage of social bookmarking sites, of which there are many, important ones being Hubpages(!), Squidoo, Facebook, MySpace, technorati,, furl, Stumble, Digg and whole list of other sites you need to become at least familiar with on a basic level (SEETHE GREEN Share It BUTTON BELOW, AFTER THE END OF THIS ARTICLE, FOR AN INTRO TO THIS).
4) get links to your site on other sites. You can approach website owners and ask, offer to swap links, submit RELEVANT comments on other people's blogs where a link is permitted, etc.
5) post on relevant forums often enough that you win the right to put a signature under all of your postings with a link to your site at the bottom
6) submit your site to blog directories

MAKE MONEY WITH ADSENSE - POINT 2: How much will Google Adsense pay me per click? Will I make money with Adsense?

This too is an important point, and again I plan to write more on this soon, but for now let me point out the two critical aspects of this dimension of how to make money with Adsense:
1) the keywords in your site, which are what Google uses to match its ads to your content, must be high payers
I have a hub on the keyword Mesothelioma. This is a type of cancer the name of which is said to pay out a good chunk of change when clicked upon in a Google Adsense ad.
Now, the CRUCIAL point here is not whether the stories are true (one hears of 70 dollars per click, for example), but WHETHER ANYONE OUT THERE CARES ABOUT MESOTHELIOMA.
In other words, if, for example, "computers" pays out 1 dollar per click (I am guessing here), and there are ten million people in the world searching for material on computers per day, then...
COMPUTERS IS A BETTER BET. Why? Because maybe a thousand people a day (again, I am guessing) are out there looking for advice on mesothelioma. If you get .001 percent of those people visiting you, then that is 1 person every 100 days; however if .001 percent of ten million computer-lovers come visit you, this is 10 people per day.
Assuming they all click on your Adsense ads, then you make 10 dollars a day, which is 300 dollars a month, considerably more lucrative when compared to the 70 dollars every 100 days in the example using mesothelioma...
The long and the short of it is that, to make money with Adsense, you have to do some math.
You have to carefully consider elements like this.
Another factor, for example, is the fact that you might be facing tough competition if you try to market a site devoted to computers. Perhaps there is a niche that has smaller numbers of people looking for information, but less competition.
This is called niche Adsense marketing, or Adsense niche marketing. Again, it is an important strategy with which to make money with Adsense.
I will write more on this also, so become a fan of mine, and get a notification when I write on it.
Making money with Adsense is no walk in the park. However, making money with Adsense is possible.
To make money with Adsense you need a sound Adsense strategy.
I have presented some important elements of making money with Adsense here for you.


To make money with Adsense you need sound strategy.
Among these strategies are:
1) knowing where to place your ads on your webpage
2) knowing how to tweak the appearance of the ads
You can, believe it or not, make a 3 figures-per-month income from Adsense, as long as you set it up right. This initial setup takes work, but it pays off in the end as automatic, leave-it-and-let-it revenue, possibly forever into the future (imagine earning an extra $900 a month with no effort -- the effort, however, comes at the the beginning).
You need, therefore, A GOOD ADSENSE COACH.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

How to blog about blogs and blogging

Want to make a good blog or a blog about blogs or a blog about blogging?and you don't have much knowledge about blogs?don't worry its really easy to start from scratch and male a blog of blogs all you need to do is make yourself one of those free blog spot blogs about any topic and then just blog blog blog.They say if you don't take the first step then how will you walk? think about it.In this hub i am going to tell you how to blog about blogs even if you don't know any thing about blogging.many people think that they are not smart enough to make a blog and they underestimate them self and stay away from blogging as if its their biggest fear and then many people who finally decide to make a blog and they make one they are discouraged when they don't see anyone reading their blog and when no one know about blog they made and they quit.In this era i bet a 10 year old kid who just know how to start a computer can make a blog about blogs and tell every one tips and tricks of blogging and believe me its really easy to blog about blogging even if you don't know much about blogs and i am going to tell you how easy it really is.
What is a blog?
Ok now back to the topic i am going to tell you how to make one of those blogs that tell people about blogs,blogging tips and tricks and everything about blogging.And i am going to tell you how to make a blog about blogging even if you don't know much about those blogging tips and about things that you are still learning about blogs.Its not that difficult as it seems 
If you still don't know what is a blog then the simplest way to tell you would be that a weblog or blog is just a simple collection of your thoughts that may or may not be useful for others though useful blogs are attracted by more readers as people are crazy about blogs that are useful and obviously no one would be interested in reading a blog about your dog or cat so don't bother making your cat or dog blog.Oh a thought came to my mind you can even make a blog about your dog or cat if you want it to be famous or sell it on ebay ;) .
how to make a blog?
There a lot of free and paid services that allow you to make blog easily but i would suggest you not to go for any paid service about blogs as that would be a waste of money if you are about to make your first blog.Paid service to make blog might be an option for you in later stages.In the beginning i would suggest you to make a free blog without any money involved You can use word press or blog spot blogs both these services are free to use and you can make a free blog about anything there.Blog spot blog are easier to use so i would suggest you to go for blogspot / blogger as it is easier for the beginners.its really easy to create a blog on blog spot you can also read my blog post on how to blog and create a blog on blog spotfor guide.
Now as you know the basics about blogs and how to make a blog hopefully you must be able to make a blog for its time i tell you how to blog about blogs or how to make a blog about blogging.

Blog About Blogs

what is a blog about blogs?
A blog about blogs is a weblog that tells its readers about different informative things about blogging from creating a blog to search engine optimization and getting traffic to blog.Mostly readers of such blogs are those who have their own blogs and who are seeking to learn more about blogging.Some of the famous blog about blogs (blogs about blogging) are
Can i make a blog about blogs and provide information about blogging?
Yes of course you can start a blog about anything.If you have some previous knowledge about the topic of your blog then it will be easier for you to manage your blog and even if you don't have much knowledge about blog topic then you can always search on the topic on google blogs and you can get enough knowledge to write a great blog easily.So yes you can even make a blog about blogs and blogging and tell other about blogging related things.
What is the good title of a blog about blogs (blogging)?
You can select any title for your blogabout blogging and blog about blogs.Just keep one thing in mind that if you select a title with your main keywords in the title and url then that would be easier for people to get a idea of what your blog is all if you are making a blog about blogs then you may select a title like''myblogaboutblogs'' or something that has the keywords ''blog'' ir ''blogging'' or ''blog about blogs'' etc so that people may know what your blog content is about just by looking at your title.
Things to keep in mind while writing posts for blog about blogs:
After you have selected your title of the blog and you have made the blog on blog spot blogs then its time to write and publish some blog posts there are some things that you should keep in mind before you write and publish posts for your blog
  • Posts about blogs must be entirely original
  • Posts about blogs must be useful for readers
  • The title of the post must be related to post content
  • All posts must be related to blog title (blog about blogs must have posts related to blogs and blogging only)
  • Posts must be written sincerely and truthfully so that people may like it and come back to your blog again
Finding information about blogs so you can write content for blog about blogs:

Well if you don't have much knowledge about blogging and still you want to manage a blog that tells people about blogging then you will have to do one extra thing and that is learning yourself.You will have to learn about blogging from other well established blogs and then use that knowledge or information in writing great posts for your own blog about blogs.So you will have to keep learning from other blogs about blogging along with spreading that same information to others in your own words.make sure that you don't just copy the exact content you read on some other blog about blogs because if you do so Google will penalize you as Google don't like copied content it just love original content.
Blog about blogs or bloggin is a saturated topic and it may take time before you finally start seeing some steady traffic to your blog so don't giveup and just keep on publishing original content on your blog about blogs.It will never be a waste

How to earn adsense money from blog posts by backlinks and keywords : Easy Blogging guide

If you really want to earn money online then blogging is something that you will need to know at some stage and for that you must know hoe to earn money from blog and some very easy blogging tips that will be useful for you.I will not say that making money from blogging is very easy-those who say making money online is easy..just lie ! -there is no easy money on Internet but you must know some of the very basic blogging tips if you want to start a blog that actually earns you some money.Writing a blog is not so difficult but the main problem in getting visitors to read your blog.More visitors mean more money.There are some very easy and basics tips that can help you increase traffic to your blog,increase search engine ranking and of course increase your revenue.I will be giving you some of the very basic tips that are enough to start a blog generating steady incomeHow you earn money from a blog
There are many ways to earn money from a blog but the most commonly used is write a blog show ads on your blog and when someone clicks on that ad you revenue.Google adsense is most commonly used to get ads for blog there are many other services as well but adsense is the most trusted in my opinion.Another way to ean money from a blog is promoting products that people want to buy and when some one buy any thing from your link you also get a percentage of revenue some of the most commonly used places to get products for promotion are Amazon and Ebay.They pay you for every sale you make for them.
How to Create a blog
There are many services that allow you to make a blog for free some of most commonly used are blogger and wordpress.If you are new to blogging then i will suggest to use Blogger as it is easy to use and you dont need any programming skills to create a blog.
Before you create a blog you must know
There are some questions that you need to ask your self before you create a blog
Why am i creating this blog?
what will i write on the blog?
what will be my target?
You should be clear on your reason to create a blog and then you should stick to it.For example if you want to create a blog for books then you should just stick to this and start working on it.The most common problem that most of people face is that ideas keep on coming to mind for example if you start a blog related to book after some times you will think that maybe movies is a good topic and then you will start working on that and forget your blog related to book .This is why most of the people fail to make a blog successful.They loose hope too quickly if they don't see results coming from a certain blog.But you must know one thing that it takes time to make a blog successful-maybe months.
Selecting the title of the blog
After you have decided what the blog will be about.Its time to think about the title of the blog. The title of a blog plays an important role in search engine ranking.Select a title that is related to your blog for example in simple words don't select a title like''dogs'' for a blog that is releted to cats.Select a title that is relevant to your blog content and that tells people what the blog is all about.And also use the title of the blog in the URL.Selection of right title for your blog is very important so don't ignore it.
Content of the blog : Writing tips for blogging
In simple words content is the king. Search engines don't need copied content they are always looking for original and unique content.Always post original content written by you.I will not go into details of importance of original content you can read my other hub related to that later here..Just one thing Always write original content that people want to read .try to write something that is related to your blog title and that people will enjoy to read so they will come back to read you again.Be as descriptive as possible .A good post must have at least 500 words and a few pictures and videos related to post are good addition.1000-1500 word post is considered to be very good.Try to use those keywords in the post that people are searching
What are key words and how to use them
Keywords are the queen.In simple keywords are those words that you type in google search when you are searching for something.Use of right keywords in your post plays an important role in your search engine ranking as search engines use keywords to find out what your content is al about.Try to use keywords atleast once or twice in your post and use keywords related to your post title .You can use google keyword tool to find out which keywords are searched most.You can use these keywords in the title of the post,in the content of your blog post and in the tabs.try to use relevant keywords that suits your blog.Imagine what would you write in the google search if you are looking for that post.There can be many keywords for a post you can also use phrases as keywords .Like ''how to earn money from blog'',''blogging tips'' can be considered for this post
How to promote a blog : backlinks
once you have published a article if you don't get visitors there is no use of all the hard work in writing so now its time to get traffic to your search engine optimized article .the best way is to get back links but truly speaking that really difficult (specially for a lazy person like me :P)
Backlinks are the prince they give a link to your site from other sites and there is a general thinking that google prefers those sites which have both quality backlinks and quality posts so keep on building backlinks.Backlink building can be a hard part and it takes time to build strong backlink network.The easiest way to generate backlinks and promote your blog is the use of
  • social networking sites like twitter and facebook
  • use of social book marking sites like digg,stumbleupon,reddit,she told me etc
  • Posting on forums related to your post and giving a link back to your site
  • Frequent use of pinging services like pingomatic to ping your blog updates
  • Article marketing on site like hubpages and ezinearticles etc
some of the basic things that you should do after you publish every article
  • Ping it ! ping it as much as you can to update search engineshere are some of the free pinging services that i regularly use
also try
and of course facebook and twiter
  • Submit your url or feed url to different url submission sites whenever you get a chance.This will give you a good steady traffic to your article
  • submit your site/blog to google,yahoo,bing etc
If you follow all these things that i told you above then you can make a successful blog.These are some of the basics things that everyone should know and maybe this is all search engine optimization is all about .
So to start a successful money making blog you need to do following things
  • select a Niche
  • select Title
  • choose keywords
  • write original content
  • generate backlinks

Tips For Increasing Blog Readership

Creating and writing a blog is something that millions of people are now doing in a form to provide a broadcasting appeal to their thoughts and actions. In fact, millions of internet users now use blogs more than ever for their daily internet reading appeal which provides an amazing level of current events and awareness. With this being a very commonly known fact, any blog writer should be concerned with learning the 4 easy tips for increasing blog readership.
When going through the current barrage of blogs that are currently on the market today, one is immediately able to see that there are many that are written over any given topic of interest. Thus, this often means that one is able to simply write about any given topic as well as read about any topic of preference. Thus, they truly are wide open in subject and follower base overall.
When using a blog for marketing, the number of people and readers that see the blog for advertising purposes is often crucial. For the most part, the more readers one has, the more traffic they often gain. Thus, when following easy tips, one is able to often effectively gain the type of following they require for these purposes.
One of the most common and easiest of the 4 easy tips for increasing blog readership is through writing about current and relevant topics. Quite often, current events are the buzz word in any given blog niche which should always be discussed. Thus, keep readers coming back for the latest knowledge and information possible regarding any topic.
A very disciplined and regular posting schedule is also very crucial. For newer readers, blogs that are well maintained and updated are often a cornerstone of allowing for interest and overall intrigue in the process. Also, keeping things consistent allows for an amazing overall appeal in the blogging process.
The titles that are used for each and every entry are also very important in this process. Basically, for a blog to be published with an eye catching title, there are usually incredible increases in search engine traffic as a result. Thus, keep this in mind when creating the titles overall.
Another one of the 4 easy tips to increase blog readership is by keeping the readers engaged. This is usually accomplished by asking pointed questions and allowing for their input to be heard at any given time. Thus, keep this in mind during the overall process of reading the blog as well

My Adsense Tips for Bloggers

Increasing Traffic
Adsense Revenue = Traffic Levels + High Paying Ads + Relevant Ads + Optimally Positioned and Designed Ads
I now will turn my attention to each of the four elements of good Adsense revenue in turn and give some practical easy to implement tips to improve each from my experience.
Increasing Traffic Levels is a key component to increasing Adsense revenue. As I wrote previously, ‘The more people that see you Adsense Ads, the more likelihood there is that someone will click on them.'
Increasing the readership of your blog is not as simple as it sounds, it takes time, patience and hard work (and sometimes a bit of luck) Having said that there are many things you can do to get your blog in front of a wider audience and there exposing the adsense messages on your site to more potential ‘clickers'. Here are a few tips...
* Quality, Interesting, Useful and Original Content - What are the blogs that you read the most? If you're anything like me they are blogs that have quality content that 'scratches me where I itch'. This is essential to increasing your readership unless you have a pretty amazing ‘gimmick' to bring readers in.
* Good Blog Design is really important if you want your blog to create a good first impression. With millions of other blogs and sites out there its worth some effort to make yours stand out. Also worth a read is Good Weblog Design and Layout.
* Link to others - be generous with your links to other bloggers big and small. You'll be surprised how many links come back your way. This not only brings traffic from their sites but doesn't hurt your ranking in Google.
* Comment on others blogs - Some of my most loyal readers came to my blog because I genuinely interacted with them on their blogs through comments. Hear me now, I say genuinely because its easy to spam in comments, but this will have the opposite effect of generating readers to your blog.
* Update Frequently - There is nothing that turns me off a blog faster than seeing that it hasn't been updated for a month or more. Keep it rolling over with interesting content.
* Interact with Readers - Having an interactive blog that invites the involvement of readers is one way of generating repeat visitors. I've written a tip on Interactive Blogging including a number of interactive tools that you can use on your blog. Also check out this tip on using comments effectively to increase interactivity on your blog.
* Optimise for Search Engines - I can't stress enough how important Search Engines are to increasing traffic, especially traffic that will click on your ads. I find that 95% of my traffic comes from Google and have found that anecdotal evidence suggests this traffic clicks through on Adsense ads at a higher rate than traffic from links on other blogs and sites. So work hard at getting listed and highly ranked on Search Engines.
* Add a signature to your outgoing email - Learn a lesson from Hotmail who have used signatures on the bottom of their users emails for years to promote their home page and generate interest in their product. Be careful though if you don't want your worlds to collide!
* Web Rings - There are literally thousands of webrings that you can sign up for. I'm not sure how effective they are these days, but some people still swear by them.
* Add an RSS feed to your blog - more and more people are reading blogs without ever visiting them through News Aggregators that pick up information using RSS. Whilst this does not guarantee those reading through aggregators will visit your blog (and therefore see your Adsense Ads) it certainly increases the chances of them dropping by, especially if you invite comments and have internal links on your posts.
* List your site on Portals - There are a growing number of sites which exclusively list blogs. If you want people to find you its worth submitting your blog to be listed on them. Some focus on specific topics while others list blogs on a wide variety of topics (like Eaton Web and Globe of Blogs). Other portals like BlogShares and Blog Street also list a lot of blogs in different ways which might increase your blogs profile.
* Blog Search Engines and Indexes - Get yourself registered on sites like Blogdex, Technorati, Popdex and Daypop (they require RSS I think). These sites have features that allow people to search for blog entries via topic and keywords. They also list the most popular recent topics and each have other interesting features which can enhance your blogging experience.
* Start a Newsletter - Offer your readers a newsletter service to keep them up to date with your latest posts. I've found since adding a free weekly newsletter to my digicam blog that hundreds of readers have signed up for regular updates of my latest posts. Think about this - hundreds of people have given me permission to invite them to come back to my blog - every week!
* Get Involved in Blog Projects and Memes - From time to time other bloggers will invite your participation in a blog project of theirs. Get involved, support their project and you might find it pays off. On the flip side start your own blogging project or meme. Do something that is of service to other bloggers. I tried something like this with Underblogs and Blogger Idol.
* Get involved in other web forums - Genuinely participate in web forums and discussion pages on topics related to your blog. Many of these allow you to add a signature to your posts which raise your blogs profile.
* Promote your Posts - If you think you've written something worthwhile spend a few minutes letting others know about it. I regularly shoot other bloggers to notify them of what I've written if I think it will interest them. Think about it before you send the email and don't bombard the same people constantly with every topic you write on - be selective, concise, polite and helpful with your emails but don't be afraid to promote yourself.
* Add a ‘Email a Friend' Option to your posts - make it easy for your readers to tell others about what you've written. I know this function gets used regularly on my blog and brings in new readers that I would never otherwise have been able to reach.
These are just some of the ideas that I've used and seen others use to increase the readership of a blog and thereby increase the exposure of Adsense ads to a wider audience.Many of the above tips were taken from my Blog Tips Series including the ‘Finding Readers' Series.
What methods have your found to be effective at increasing the readership of your blog? What works for your and what doesn't? What tips would you add to this collection?
Of course increasing traffic alone won't greatly increase your Adsense revenue, but it can help!

How to put adsense in a post on blogger

Putting adsense in the middle of a post

You have searched everywhere and found mixed answer's to putting adsense in the middle of your post's on blogger. I am going to settle this here and show you how to do it.
Getting the adsense code and parsing it
Log in to your adsense account and get your code. Next you need to parse it so that blogger can read it and dont worry this isn't against google AdSense TOS. Now once you have your ad code try using adsense code converters so you don't have the headach of trying to do it your self.
The result

Adding your parsed adsense code

Now if your code looks different than the one I have here its OK
Now you have to ad this code to each and every post where you want the ad's to show
<!-- AdSense -->
Adsense dont's
Do not change the size of your ad in the code or change your id numbers that google give you
Do not change the name or hack it in any other way
Do not put your ad's right under a title that any way implies users to click
Adsense do's
Google does allow minor changes to there code like parsing
Placing in the middle of post is fine again long as you don't entice people to click
You can have any color ad's you wish but only do this from google or blogger
Now you got your AdSense sorted out make some money with it

Bottom line
Using adsense in the middle of post's is a great way to increase ctr and google adsense earnings. Coming from my own experience only having adsense in a side bar, or using banners ads isn't enough. You want to make more money with your adsense ads, so putting them where everyone is going to see them is a no brainer.
Choosing the right spot for your adsense ad's on your web site isn't the only factor when trying to increase your revenue with google.
Choosing the right color is crucial for making any real money for publishers, Do NOT USE BOARDERS! sorry , but I can't stress that enough. This is an easy way to think of this! most people these days are ad blind meaning People black out ad images in there mind without even knowing it, so boarders stand out in your brain as
One you have your fresh new parsed code, log into blogger and click on layout then edit HTML. once there click on expand widgets
Find this spot
<div class='post-body entry-content'>
Once you have found that in the jumble of code insert your parsed code right underneith the above code.

How to put adsense in a post on blogger

Putting adsense in the middle of a post

You have searched everywhere and found mixed answer's to putting adsense in the middle of your post's on blogger. I am going to settle this here and show you how to do it.
Getting the adsense code and parsing it
Log in to your adsense account and get your code. Next you need to parse it so that blogger can read it and dont worry this isn't against google AdSense TOS. Now once you have your ad code try using adsense code converters so you don't have the headach of trying to do it your self.
The result

Adding your parsed adsense code

Now if your code looks different than the one I have here its OK
Now you have to ad this code to each and every post where you want the ad's to show
<!-- AdSense -->
Adsense dont's
Do not change the size of your ad in the code or change your id numbers that google give you
Do not change the name or hack it in any other way
Do not put your ad's right under a title that any way implies users to click
Adsense do's
Google does allow minor changes to there code like parsing
Placing in the middle of post is fine again long as you don't entice people to click
You can have any color ad's you wish but only do this from google or blogger
Now you got your AdSense sorted out make some money with it

Bottom line
Using adsense in the middle of post's is a great way to increase ctr and google adsense earnings. Coming from my own experience only having adsense in a side bar, or using banners ads isn't enough. You want to make more money with your adsense ads, so putting them where everyone is going to see them is a no brainer.
Choosing the right spot for your adsense ad's on your web site isn't the only factor when trying to increase your revenue with google.
Choosing the right color is crucial for making any real money for publishers, Do NOT USE BOARDERS! sorry , but I can't stress that enough. This is an easy way to think of this! most people these days are ad blind meaning People black out ad images in there mind without even knowing it, so boarders stand out in your brain as
One you have your fresh new parsed code, log into blogger and click on layout then edit HTML. once there click on expand widgets
Find this spot
<div class='post-body entry-content'>
Once you have found that in the jumble of code insert your parsed code right underneith the above code.